Work Surfaces

Chemical Resistant Compact Laminate Laminant
High pressure compressed Laminate workbenches (HPL / PhenolicResin) can be used in all areas. They are resistant to temperatures up to about 180 degrees, chemicals, moisture and high weight. It can be easily cleaned and can be used easily in places where hygiene is important, because of its antibacterial feature.
Can be applied in thicknesses of 12 - 16 - 20 mm

Ceramic (Stoneware)
Bench surface is produced in one piece up to a maximum of 180 cm. It is resistant to all chemicals except hydrofluoricacid .
Besides this, it has high resistance against impacts, heat and water. It can be used in Wet Chemistry Laboratories and Performance type Fume Hoods without any problem. Sink made of the same material is also available.

Nano Ceramic
It is a surface material with good chemical, moisture and heat resistance that can be used as an alternative to industrial ceramic in certain application areas. Raw surface material that is supplied as plates is cut to re-size according to the project.

Epoksi Resin
Working surfaces made of EpoxyResin are used in places with very high chemical resistance requirements.
It is a completely homogeneous material and highly resistant to acid environment. Besides this, its resistance to impacts, heat and water is also quite high. It can be used in Chemical Analysis Laboratories and Fume Hoods without any problem. Sinks and drip cups made of the same material are also available.

Polypropylene is a thermoplastic polymer that appeals to uses in wide range and in different sectors. Thanks to this structure, it has good chemical and moisture resistance but is extremely sensitive and not enduring against heat. Its form and structure may change under high temperatures. Because of being easily processable with simple hand tools, makes it a preferred material in different applications.

Stainless Steel
It is a surface material that can be primarily preferred in the areas where there is moisture, liquid work and high hygiene requirements. It can be produced as a monolithic edge barrier and / or integrated sink, rear-backrest. It has good resistance to various chemicals and heat. Its surface can be easily scratched because of friction with hard materials.

HPL Coated Chipboard Benches
It is not preferred much in wet and hot working areas. It is more suitable especially for use in documentation tables, device benches and / or areas where dry-powder chemicals will be used. In case of exposure to high temperatures and penetration of liquid into chipboard material, swelling may occur on the coating surface. Although it is a more economical option compared to other surface materials, its usage areas are more limited and short-lived.

Acrylic Benches
It is a product of Corian DuPont and is a massive, non-porous, homogeneous surface composed of 1/3 acrylic resin and 2/3 natural minerals. The main natural mineral is Aluminum Trihydrate, which is obtained from bauxite, an ore from which aluminum is extracted. (ATH) Its own thickness is 12 mm, however with its application on 18 mm MDF, the countertop thickness is 30 mm and in wet laboratories with water trap borders it is 37 mm. Because of having an anti-bacterial surface it is used in Microbiology Laboratories.
- Laboratory Furniture
- Carrier Systems
- Work Surfaces
- Under-bench Storage Cabinets
- Energy Providing Service and Shelf System
- Sample and Filing Cabinets
- Fume Hoods
- Biosafety Cabinets
- Secure Storage Solutions
- Ventilation Systems
- Precision Balance Table
- Worker Health and Protective Equipment
- Laboratory Sinks and Taps
- Supplementary Equipment
- PCR Cabinet
- Dental Laboratory
- Scholl Education Laboratories